Derivatives of Constant Multiples of Functions

To take the derivative of a constant multiple, we have our usual two steps: first, recognize the constant multiple, which means finding the constant and the function it multiplies, and applying the rule for constant multiples.

Recognize the constant multiple: Let's consider a some examples -- say, g(x) = 5 ex, h(x) = e tan(x), and p(x) = ln(a) ln(x). Are these constant multiples? Sure: for g(x), the constant 5 multiplies the function ex; for h(x), the constant e multiplies the function tan(x); and for p(x), ln(a) is a constant because a isn't a variable, so we have the function ln(x) multiplied by the constant ln(a). Then we

Apply the Rule for Constant Multiples:

The derivative of a constant multiple is the constant times the derivative of the function.
  z = c ( f(x) )
then the derivative of z is
  z' = ( c f(x) )'
    = c f '(x)

So to find the derivative of a constant multiple, we just take the derivative of the function and multiply by the constant. We show this for each of our example functions in the following table:

we start with   c   f(x)   f '(x)   final derivative
g(x) = 5 ex   5   ex   ex   g'(x) = 5 ex
h(x) = e tan(x)   e   tan(x)   1 / cos2(x)   h '(x) = e / cos2(x)
p(x) = ln(a) ln(x)   ln(a)   ln(x)   1 / x   p'(x) = ln(a) / x


see a constant multiple rule example
practice test on the rule for constant multiples
practice gateway test
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Deriv Tutorials: ConstMultiples
Last Modified: Tue May 1 14:12:45 EDT 2001
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©2001 Gavin LaRose, UM Math Dept.