Math 216 Demonstrations

A Model of a Radio Tuner, System Response

Model Description

As indicated in the circuit demonstration, we consider an RLC circuit, shown below, as a model for a radio tuner.
figure of RLC cicuit
Here the input voltage \(E(t)\) is the signal that is being received by the tuner. We expect that this will be a combination of a number of different radio signals that are broadcast with different frequencies. \(R\), \(L\) and \(C\) are the resistance, inductance and capacitance in the circuit. We can adjust the capacitance \(C\) to select one frequency in the input—that is, by changing \(C\) we can make the (long-term) behavior of the system mirror only one of the frequencies in the input function \(E(t)\).

ODE Model

As indicated in the circuit demonstration, we let \(I\) be the current in the circuit. Then Kirchoff's second law (that the sum of the voltage drops in the circuit must equal the input voltage) and the elementary laws of electricity give \[ L\,I'' + R\,I' + \frac{1}{C}\,I = E'(t) \] (as shown in [1] or [2]).

Following [1], we might take \(L = 1\)H (Henry, the unit of inductance) and \(R = 0.1\Omega\) (Ohms, the unit of resistance). Then, we may suppose that the input voltage is a combination of several carrier signals with different frequencies; for example, we might take \(E(t) = -\cos(t) - 4\cos(5t)\). For initial conditions, if there is initially no current, \(I(0) = 0\) and \(I'(0) = (E(0) - q_0/C)/L\). The question for the tuner is how to pick \(C\) so that \(I(t)\) looks like only one of the terms in the input \(E(t)\).

This question can be rephrased slightly by considering the response to a single input frequency: if \(E(t) = -\cos(\omega t)\), and asking what value of \(C\) will produce the largest amplitude response (and, correspondingly, what values produce a very small response). Turning the question around slightly, we could also ask for a given value of \(C\) what value(s) of \(\omega\) have the largest response. The demonstrations below explore these questions.

Matlab Demos

Our demos collection:

Looking at the Model

Some questions that may be worth considering:


  1. Borelli, R.L. and C.S. Coleman. Differential Equations, a Modeling Perspective, 2nd ed. New York:Wiley, 2004.
  2. Boyce, W.E. and R.C. DiPrima. Elementary Differential Equations, 10th ed. New York:Wiley, 2012.
UMMath Math 216 Lecture Demos: 3_6Response
Last Modified: 15:00 EDT 10/11/2012
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