A polar rectangle is a region in the \(xy\)-plane defined by the inequalities \(a \le r \le b\) and \(\alpha\le\theta\le\beta\) in polar coordinates. For example, the unit disk can be concisely described as the polar rectangle \(0\le r\le 1\), \(0\le\theta\le 2\pi\).
The area of a polar rectangle is \(\frac{1}{2}(\beta-\alpha)(b^2-a^2)\), as this is the difference in area between the sectors of a radius \(b\) and a radius \(a\) circle for \(\alpha\le\theta\le\beta\).
In particular, if we have a polar rectangle of radial "width" \(\Delta r\) and angular "width" \(\Delta \theta\) centered around \((r,\theta)\), then \(\beta-\alpha=\Delta\theta\) and \(\frac{1}{2}(b^2-a^2)=\frac{1}{2}(b+a)(b-a) = r\Delta r\), so the area of this polar rectangle is \(r \Delta r\Delta\theta\).
Recall that, to estimate \(\iint\limits_R f(x,y)\,dA\) over an ordinary rectangle \(R\), we formed the Riemann sum \[\iint\limits_R f(x,y)\,dA \approx \sum_{i=1}^m\sum_{j=1}^n f(x_i,y_j)\Delta A = \sum_{i=1}^m\sum_{j=1}^n f(x_i,y_i)\Delta x\Delta y\] where each \((x_i,y_j)\) is a sample point in the \(ij\)th subrectangle. Taking the limit as the number of subrectangles goes to infinity is, in fact, our definition of \(\iint\limits_R f(x,y)\,dA\).
What if instead we want to integrate \(f(x,y)\) over a polar rectangle \(R\)? We can write \(f(x,y)\) in polar coordinates as \(f(r\cos\theta, r\sin\theta)\) by using the relations \(x=r\cos\theta\), \(y=r\sin\theta\). Now if we subdivide \(R\) into polar subrectangles, we have \[\iint\limits_R f(x,y)\,dA \approx \sum_{i=1}^m\sum_{j=1}^n f(r_i\cos\theta_j, r_i\sin\theta_j)\Delta A\] where each \((r_i,\theta_j)\) is a sample point in the \(ij\)th polar subrectangle.
For example, a Riemann sum over a polar rectangle with \(4\) radial subdivisions and \(3\) angular subdivisions might look graphically like
If we pick the sample points in the Riemann sum to be the centers of the polar subrectangles, then as just discussed, we can write \(\Delta A = r_i\Delta r\Delta\theta\), and our Riemann sum becomes \[\iint\limits_R f(x,y)\,dA \approx \sum_{i=1}^m\sum_{j=1}^n f(r_i\cos\theta_j, r_i\sin\theta_j) r_i\Delta r\Delta\theta\] (notice the \(r_i\) arising from \(\Delta A\) on the right hand side!).
Taking the limit as \(m\) and \(n\) go to infinity turns the right hand side into an iterated integral:
The region \(R\) is the polar rectangle \(0\le r\le 1\), \(\pi/2\le\theta\le\pi\). Using \(x=r\cos\theta\) and \(y=r\sin\theta\), we write the integrand in polar coordinates as \[\begin{aligned} x^2-3x+y^2 &= (r\cos\theta)^2-3r\cos\theta+(r\sin\theta)^2 \\ &= r^2(\cos^2\theta+\sin^2\theta)-3r\cos\theta \\ &= r^2 - 3r\cos\theta. \end{aligned}\]
Remembering to include the extra factor of \(r\) when converting to polar coordinates, the desired integral is \[\begin{aligned} \iint\limits_R (x^2-3x+y^2)\, dA &= \int_{\pi/2}^\pi\int_0^1 (r^2-3r\cos\theta)\,r\,dr\,d\theta \\ &= \int_{\pi/2}^\pi\int_0^1 (r^3-3r^2\cos\theta)\,dr\,d\theta \\ &= \int_{\pi/2}^\pi\left(\left(\frac{1}{4}r^4-r^3\cos\theta\right)\Bigg|_0^1\right)\, d\theta \\ &= \int_{\pi/2}^\pi\left(\frac{1}{4}-\cos\theta\right)\,d\theta \\ &= \left(\frac{1}{4}\theta-\sin\theta\right)\Bigg|_{\pi/2}^\pi \\ &= \left(\frac{\pi}{4}+0\right)-\left(\frac{\pi}{8}-1\right) \\ &= \frac{\pi}{8}+1. \end{aligned}\]
The following animation shows the polar Riemann sums approximating this double integral as the number of subdivisions increases.
Notice that the polar rectangles closer to the origin are much narrower looking than the ones further out, so if we had two boxes in a polar Riemann sum with the same height, the one closer to the origin would contribute less to the result than the one further out. This is not true in the ordinary, non-polar Riemann sums we've looked at; in these sums, all the subrectangles have the same area \(\Delta A = \Delta x \Delta y\), so two boxes with the same height have the same volume and hence always contribute the same amount to the Riemann sum. However, in polar Riemann sums, the area of a polar subrectangle is \(\Delta A = r\Delta r\Delta\theta\), which depends also on \(r\), the distance from the origin. Thus polar subrectangles closer to the origin (with small \(r\)) contribute less to the result than polar subrectangles further from the origin (with bigger \(r\)). We see this graphically in the narrow rectangles near the origin, and symbolically in the extra factor of \(r\) that shows up when writing the double integral as an iterated integral in polar coordinates.
All graphics on this page were generated by the Mathematica notebook 15_4DoubleIntegralsInPolarCoordinates.nb.
This notebook generates images and animations like those on this page of polar Riemann sums for any integrand \(f(r,\theta)\) and any polar rectangle.
As an exercise, use the notebook to provide clear graphical answers to Questions 2 and 3 above.
Then, can you come up with an integrand \(f(r,\theta)\) and bounds so that the notebook produces Riemann sums approximating the area of the unit circle, or the volume of the unit sphere? What about a cone of radius 1 and height 1?