Ma105 Instructors' Preliminary Assessment Page W21

Note: This page is not in use. Please consult the web homework system for information about mastery assessments.

Gateway Results

Read the notes to the right before using this selector.

Student progress

In-Office Proctored Tests

Note: Before doing anything, log out of any weblogin resources you're using. You can use this link: logout. You may also need to clear any cookies in your web browser.
Then, after selecting the correct course and section, have the student log in, and then use your proctor login name and proctor password (not your uniqname and Kerberos password) for the proctor username and password.

Go to instructor proctored test

Hints and Tips

This page is for Mathematics Instructors teaching Math 105 only. If you are a student, you're probably looking for the practice gateway page.

Gateway Results

To obtain access to student results for the gateway test,
  1. Select your course and section from the selector to the left
  2. Login through the University weblogin system (with your uniqname and Kerberos login password) if you aren't already authenticated through weblogin.
  3. Then click the gateway that you want to see results for. The "PracticeEntrGW" is the practice gateway that students can take from anywhere. The "ProctoredEntrGW" and "InstrProctoredEntrGW" are the proctored tests that were taken in the computer lab in B069 or in your office, respectively. The Proctored tests are the only test results that count towards passing the gateway.
  4. A student must get 9 or better on the gateway test to have passed it.
  5. Note that you can restrict the type of information you view by selecting different Display Options and "updating display" at the top of that page. In particular, viewing only the best scores (which only shows the best score for each student) is a good way of determinine which of your students have passed.
  6. Click a different test name from the list at the bottom of the left column to see results for that test.
  7. When you are finished, click the "Log out" link at the top right of the page (or at the top of the left column on the page.)
  8. Note that the test names "exponents", "frac_exponents", etc., should be ignored; these are the definitions for the different categories on the actual gateway test, but have nothing to do with the score reporting by student.

In-Office Proctored Tests

To allow the student to take a proctored test that you proctor, use the lower selector to the left. Note that the student has to log in, using his/her uniqname and Kerberos password, and you must then use your proctor uniqname and proctor password to authorize the test as a proctor.

Other Information
about the gateway system may be found on the practice gateway login page.

Ma105 Gateway Instructors' Login
Last Modified: Mon Jan 18 16:45:00 EST 2021
Comments to math-itc(at)umich(dot)edu
©2004-09 Gavin LaRose, UM Math Dept/Regents of UMich