Course Selector
Note:- Your username for the homework is your
uniqname, and your password is your Kerberos
password, because the web homework uses the University's
weblogin system.
- For specific information about using the homework system, see
the Hints and Tips.
Hints and Tips
- Homework: You are assigned all of the sets
your students are assigned. You'll see them when you log in.
Note that you can look at assignments before they open (which
students can't do).
- Acting as Your Students: If you follow the link in
a feedback e-mail that a student sents you, you will be acting as
that student—you'll see the problem exactly as they see it.
When you're acting as a student you can check her/his answer,
but not actually submit it (and therefore use on of her/his
attempts). Note that you can also act as a student by logging in,
clicking on "Instructor Tools" and then selecting the student and
clicking the "Act as" button below the select boxes.
- Mysterious Students: When you look at class
lists, you'll see all of your students, plus all gateway
proctors. To see only your students, look only at
students with "section number" 116 or "recitation number" equal
to your section number.
- Student Scores: To see how your students are
doing, select Student Progress under the Instructor
Tools in the left sidebar. Click on the set name, then
click on the "Section" link to sort by section, so that
you see only your students.
- Downloading Student Scores: To get a CSV file
you can download and import into a spreadsheet (e.g.,
Excel or libreOffice), select Scoring
Tools from the left sidebar. Then select the sets you want
to get scores for and click the Score selected sets
button. You can then click on the link for the created file to
download the CSV file. (Note that you will have to sort out the
gateway proctors from the resulting list.)